Friday, January 5, 2018

Asking you... Where is FDA adverse health disclosure?

FDA, NIH, and HHS confess through their testimonials, as well as decades of published studies this potential to harm exposed fetus, infants, and children, while deliberately withheld from equal public disclosure!  Why?  There is NO FDA benefit, and NO reason to expose any child to this developmental plant-poison.  FDA withheld.

As sent to HHS Secretary:

Dear HHS Secretary Eric Hargan,

Below you will find very important adverse health information that confirms FDA refusal to disclose their acknowledged cause of fetal, infant, and child physiological, reproductive, and neurological poisoning, without public disclosure.  Through the years, I have contacted FDA Commissioners, and NIH Director Collins several times, and none will faithfully act to protect developmental health!

I ask if you will fulfill your promised HHS oath to protect fetal, infant, and child health?

Massive numbers of FDA and NIH testimonials, as well as hundreds of FDA, NIH, and additional researchers have published innumerable studies that confirm early exposure to soy plant-poisons are the cause of severe, irreversible, and potentially fatal adverse fetal, infant, and child effects.  The FDA has no evidence of safety...then or now, yet they refuse public disclosure, refuse to protect developmental health.  Ask why?

It all began in the mid-1970’s when NIEHS researchers repeatedly warned the FDA that adverse developmental body and brain effects are caused by fluctuating dosage levels of soy plant-poisons that contaminate popularly marketed baby foods and infant formulas.  To this date, the FDA acknowledges ongoing confirming evidence of horrific adverse developmental effects, but illegally refuse public disclosure, then and now.

Only in the US is soy increasingly marketed as fetal (maternal consumption of soy estrogenic hormone disruptors), infant, and child contaminating consumption without fair warning labels. And currently soy is added to multiple baby "milk" formulas, without reason.

Without lawful public disclosure there is NO FDA found benefit to market soy plant-poisons during most fragile developmental stages.  As you will also read...NEVER are fluctuating dosage levels of confirmed developmental soy plant-poisons FDA established as fetal, infant, or child body and brain safe.

As your HHS oath promises good health, an innocent American public certainly deserves the right to know that the FDA acknowledges innumerable studies that repeatedly confirm fetal, infant, and child adverse physiological, reproductive, and neurological effects are caused by early exposure to soy plant-poisons.  Instead, the FDA illegally misleads developmental soy safety to American consumers, and loving parents.

Call NIEHS researchers!  When I speak with NIEHS scientists, such as worldly renowned: Doctors Doerge, Sheehan, Rogan, Newbold, Jefferson, Patisaul, Chang, and more, I question why... their decades of consistent research studies that repeatedly confirm developmental soy phyto-poisons cause an assortment of frightful deleterious effects are not reported as public information?  They do not deny their consistent fetal, infant and child soy contaminating results, yet simply reply "It is the FDA's responsibility to inform the public."

However, the FDA remains illegally mute.  NO fair or lawful public disclosure!  Why?

Ask NIH Collins.  When I email NIH Director Colliins...he does not respond.  Instead I receive anonymous replies from NIH people who without revealing any safety evidence they simply email;  “The FDA has determined soy is developmentally safe.”  But when I show the NIH their own, as well as FDA adverse health published studies and confessionals, all confirming adverse developmental soy effects, I argue, “Why doesn’t the American public know the toxic truth?” The NIH simply replies...anonymously, “Well YOU know.”  Meaning all people must do nearly a decade of research as I have done to learn about developmental soy phyto-poisoning truth.  And the NIH remains illegally mute.  The FDA remains illegally mute.  Ask them, why?


1. NIH NIEHS list of chemical poisons includes “Soy Infant Formula.”   Look at the 3rd from the bottom of NIEHS list, and you will find among known human poisonous chemicals- “Arsenic, Lead, Mold, Endocrine Disruptors, BPA, Formaldehyde, Mercury, Pesticides, Radon...” they include, "Soy Infant Formula!"  These are NIEHS listed "chemicals in the environment to which humans are exposed that may cause adverse health effects.”  But untold parents feed NIEHS toxic chemical, “soy infant formulas” directly into their baby's mouth!!!   "

As sad fact, few people know that the FDA does NOT “approve” baby formulas!  And as you know, baby formulas and foods contain not one, but multiple developmental soy plant-poisons.  As confirmed below the FDA (silently) acknowledges fluctuating dosage levels of several soy plant-poisons are never established as fetal, infant, or child safe.  And NO lawful FDA public disclosure.

2.  FDA warnings...withheld from trusting public-

-The 1999 FDA Federal Register reports- "No data were submitted to document the current levels of nitrites or nitrosamines in protein isolated.  GRAS status of soy did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysioalanine, nitrites and nitrosamines, trysin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavones."

As fact, soybeans contain 3 developmentally poisonous (isoflavone) phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors: genistein, daidzein, glycitein.  In some unknowing people, including pregnant women, as well as some infants and children are able to metabolize daidzein to another powerful disruptive hormone disruptor, called equol.  It is also FDA illegal to market toxic chemicals, especially for fetal, infant, and child contamination of which Soy contains unknown fluctuating levels of estrogenic hormone disruptors and additional developmental soy plant poisons in each soybean plant!

Besides several developmentally dangerous estrogenic hormone disruptors, soybeans contain fluctuating dosage levels of additional soy plant-poisons- phytates, trypsin inhibitors, essential enzyme blockers, and multiple heavy metals, all are developmental poisons! Add poison to poison, soy is also commonly Roundup ready GMO!

-The FDA 1999 Federal Register also confirms, "Trypsin inhibitors have potential effects on pancreatic function...causing deleterious effects in the pancreas.  Trypsin inhibitors are responsible for hyperplasia and formation of nodules see in animal studies.  Further...high  levels of trypsin inhibitors in humans can evoke this mechanism."

-The FDA includes "soy, phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein” on their "Poisonous Plant Database."

-As fact, the FDA has NO benefit, NO reason to allow marketed soy baby formulas!  At one time the thought was to market soy baby formulas due to lactose intolerance, but for many years now, there are lactose-free formulas on the market!  I can not find one other country that markets Soy baby formulas on grocery shelves...and not Asian countries either!  Soy formulas also contain highest levels of corn syrup, sugar, soy, GMO soy...all developmental poisons...never FDA established as safe.   American Soy industries are a very powerful American nightmare!  FDA withheld!

3. FDA and NIH Confessionals-

-2008, FDA/CFSAN Deputy Director Janice Oliver- “FDA acknowledges that concerns have been voiced about possible effects of isoflavones in soy infant formula on sexual development, neurobehavioral development, immune function, and thyroid disease.”

-2009, FDA/CFSAN former Director Michael Shelby acknowledges, “yes” to my question, does soy infant formula contain phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors?  The FDA,  NIH, CDC, HHS know very well that developmental exposure to estrogenic hormone disruptors are a sure cause of any number of severe, irreversible or fatal fetal, infant, and child disorders and diseases! They acknowledge that soy contains fluctuating dosage levels of multiple phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors.

-2015, NIEHS Ian Thomas-  "...our scientists study things in the environment that could potentially make people sick.  This might include chemical agents like formaldehyde and pesticides or natural agents like mold and arsenic.  This also includes the study of soy."

-2015 NIEHS NTP Senior Scientist John Bucher- "The larger issue of just how significant exposures to potential [soy] endocrine disruptors are to public health is still a subject of intensive research.  To date it appears that exposure to the developing fetus are more potentially harmful that those after birth.”-NTP & NIEHS Director Linda Birnbaum- “Soy-based infant formulas…contain high levels of estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to concern that neonatal genistein exposure could cause…adverse effects in reproductive and other organs.   …neonatal animal model raises concerns…and could potentially impact the development of human infants fed soy formula.  (There is) public health concern about soy formula effects on infants and young children….  Soy fed infants... have highest exposure to any environmental estrogens… effects can be observed long after the actual exposure has ceased.”

-NTP & NIEHS Director Linda Birnbaum.  Confirms soy phytoestrogens are classified as environmental toxins, she states- “…environmentally linked diseases…can affect an individual’s entire life, with potentially large impacts on both quality of life and health care costs.”

- NIMH Assistant Director Susan Daniels speaks for former IACC Director Dr. Thomas Insel-  “Dr. Insel is aware of the endocrine disrupting properties of soy…Soy may indeed be one of many environmental factors that contributes to various disorders and deserves further study.”  

-NIEHS- Rita Newbold- “Soy genistein triggers reproductive tract abnormalities... including uterine adenocarcinoma a rare form of cancer. These data suggest that genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of differentiation.”

-2010, NIEHS researchers, Patisaul and Jefferson- "…increasing concern is that (soy) phytoestrogens may interfere with the organizational role of estrogen in the developing brain and reproductive system.  Manipulation of estrogen during specific critical windows of development throughout gestation and early infancy leads to a myriad of adverse health outcomes including malformations in the ovary, uterus, mammary gland and prostate, reduced fertility, disrupted brain organization and reproductive tract cancers. Isoflavone phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein raise concern that these compounds pose an underappreciated threat to infant development.”

-2008, FDA/CFSAN Deputy Director Janice Oliver- “FDA acknowledges that concerns have been voiced about possible effects of isoflavones in soy infant formula on sexual development, neurobehavioral development, immune function, and thyroid disease.”

-2009, FDA/CFSAN former Director Michael Shelby acknowledges, “yes” to my question, does soy infant formula contain phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors?

-2015, NIEHS Ian Thomas-  "...our scientists study things in the environment that could potentially make people sick.  This might include chemical agents like formaldehyde and pesticides or natural agents like mold and arsenic.  This also includes the study of soy."

-2015 NIEHS NTP Senior Scientist John Bucher- "The larger issue of just how significant exposures to potential [soy] endocrine disruptors are to public health is still a subject of intensive research.  To date it appears that exposure to the developing fetus are more potentially harmful that those after birth.”

-NTP & NIEHS Director Linda Birnbaum- “Soy-based infant formulas…contain high levels of estrogenic isoflavone genistein leading to concern that neonatal genistein exposure could cause…adverse effects in reproductive and other organs.   …neonatal animal model raises concerns…and could potentially impact the development of human infants fed soy formula.  (There is) public health concern about soy formula effects on infants and young children….  Soy fed infants... have highest exposure to any environmental estrogens… effects can be observed long after the actual exposure has ceased.”

-NTP & NIEHS Director Linda Birnbaum.  Confirms soy phytoestrogens are classified as environmental toxins, she states- “…environmentally linked diseases…can affect an individual’s entire life, with potentially large impacts on both quality of life and health care costs.”

- NIMH Assistant Director Susan Daniels speaks for former IACC Director Dr. Thomas Insel-  “Dr. Insel is aware of the endocrine disrupting properties of soy…Soy may indeed be one of many environmental factors that contributes to various disorders and deserves further study.”  

-AAP President Judith Palfrey- “Concerns have been raised in relation to the safety of phytoestrogens and isoflavones, including their potential negative effects on sexual developmental isoflavones, including their potential negative effects on sexual developmental and reproduction, neurobehavioral development, immune function and thyroid function.  …a number of new studies have been published related to human exposure, reproductive toxicity, and developmental toxicity for soy infant formula.”
(AAP, Children’s Nutrition Director- Jatinder Bhatia is heavily funded by soy industry, and votes “No Concern” in contrast to the mass evidence given to him on developmental soy poisoning.  Hospitals, Doctors, and Health Organizations heavily reply on his reports.  As a deliberate promoter of genocide, Bhatia should be in prison).

-NIH CRISP Data Base, Dr. TL Guo- “Genistein a soy isoflavone has been suggested to mediate biological function mainly as an endocrine disruptor… there are concerns about the long-term effect of this compound on human health, especially that of infants, and young children.”

-NIEHS- Rita Newbold- “Soy genistein triggers reproductive tract abnormalities... including uterine adenocarcinoma a rare form of cancer. These data suggest that genistein is carcinogenic if exposure occurs during critical periods of differentiation.”-2010, NIEHS researchers, Patisaul and Jefferson- "…increasing concern is that (soy) phytoestrogens may interfere with the organizational role of estrogen in the developing brain and reproductive system.  Manipulation of estrogen during specific critical windows of development throughout gestation and early infancy leads to a myriad of adverse health outcomes including malformations in the ovary, uterus, mammary gland and prostate, reduced fertility, disrupted brain organization and reproductive tract cancers. Isoflavone phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein raise concern that these compounds pose an underappreciated threat to infant development.”

-Please read-  "The Pros and Cons of Phytoestrogens," written by NIEHS researchers Patisaul and Jefferson- "In general, the severity of the health effects correspond with timing and level of exposure, an observation which was the first, clear demonstration of how important it is to consider ‘critical windows of exposure' when attempting to predict potential consequences of human exposure to endocrine disruptors, such as the phytoestrogens."

-NIEHS study report- “ Isoflavones in soy products including soy formula are referred to as phytoestrogens because of their ability to act like the hormone estrogen in the body.  The safety of soy infant formula has been debated because it typically contains a class of compounds called isoflavones.  These isoflavones are referred to as phytoestrogens…because of their ability to act like the hormone estrogen in the body.  Also, infants go through developmental stages that are sensitive to estrogens.  Numerous studies in laboratory animals exposed to the isoflavones found in soy infant formula, including genistein show adverse effects on development.”

-“NIEHS News" reports, "Phytoestrogens (in soy) are something to worry about.”

-2015- NIH National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health- “Side Effects and Caution- the safety of long-term use of soy isoflavones has not been established.”

-EPA- 2000 report- “However, an increase of soy consumption in the North American diet has resulted in increased exposure to dietary estrogen mimics by reproductive-aged women, raising concern regarding possible effects on fetus and neonate.  ...have caused a variety of adverse biological effects in wildlife species, domestic animals, and humans….  Small disturbances in endocrine function, especially during certain stages of the life cycle such as development, pregnancy, and lactation, can lead to profound and lasting (adverse) effects.”

-USDA- Ag-Magazine- “Soy-based infant formulas contain soy protein isolate.  Isoflavones are bound to soy proteins in high amounts.  …soy based formula involves isoflavones because they are believed to act similarly to the female hormone estrogen.  Critics suggest that isoflavones in soy formula might disrupt or impair development in infants.”

-USDA- 2003, “Methanol extracts were prepared from soybean…. These results show that several legumes are a source of phytoestrogens with high levels of estrogenic activity.

-CDC- “National Biomonitoring Program on Phytoestrogens- Ingested daidzein is further metabolized to …equol by intestinal bacteria.  Equol…had estrogenic activity. About 30% of adults can be characterized as equol producers….  Equol has more potent estrogenic activity than its precursor, daidzein.  Genistein binds ER- beta with greater affinity than equol (Doerge and Sheehan, 2002).  Phytoestrogens can be present in concentrations of 100 to 1000 times greater than endogenously produced estrogens.  Soy-based infant formula can result in plasma concentration of isoflavones in infants that are 13,000-22,000 times higher than endogenous estrogen concentrations in infants.  (Setchell et al, 1997).”
(Note- As certain human/baby poisons: genistein, daidzein, glycitein, and equol are ALL potent soy phytoestrogenic endocrine disruptors found in fluctuating plant dosage levels, without public disclosure).

-Academics Review- “When hormonal effects are undesired these compounds could well be regarded as dangerous or unhealthy.  A potential undesirable effect of phytochemicals is disturbance of brain development in the unborn child.  There is no doubt that foods such as soybeans…contain such chemicals.  These effects have been known to science for 50-years….  Their decisions to manage diet of hormone-like chemicals should be based on their particular health circumstances, stage of life, whether pregnant or breast-feeding.”

-Allergy Kids Foundation- “…in 1996 soy was genetically engineered with chemical toxins…that same year there was 50% increase is soy allergy…”

-Dr. Stephen Boue, Journal of Ag and Food Chemistry, “Given the significant interest in the estrogenic activity of phytoestrogens, particularly isoflavones in soybeans, this study was undertaken to determine the estrogenic activity….  These data were consistent with previous data indicating isoflavones preferentially bind ERb, and transcriptional activation of phytoestrogens for both ERa and ERb was observed.  …effects could be significant because phytoestrogens may be present at high concentrations compared to that of endogenous estrogen.  …isoflavones contents of different varieties, crops, and harvest years vary considerably.  Much research has been conducted on the quantitation and estrogenic activity of the isoflavone daidzein and genistein found in high concentrations in soybeans.”

-Dr. Kenneth Setchell, renowned soy scientist- “In placental mammals, the fetus in continuously exposed to high levels of estrogen from the placenta and the mother.  Environmental exposure to (soy) phytoestrogens during this period is expected to disrupt the function of the natural steroid hormones.  To deny that soy isoflavones have biological effects would be absurd given a wealth of evidence from in vitro, in vivo, cellular and molecular studies.”

-Dr. Lindy Woodard- “I am deeply concerned….  I personally know of the dangers of soy infant formula…observed for myself that babies are not healthy on soy formula.”

-Dr. Singh et al, “Genistein is a soy derived isoflavone.  …results suggested that the higher dose of genistein can produce several undesirable effects by affecting multiple cellular pathways.”

And the following horrific study:
- Hormone Disruptor researcher, Dr. Leonardo Trasande’s answer is, “Yes,” to my question- “Does your study confirm extensive financial burdens upon families due to a lifetime of required medical treatments caused by developmental exposure to soy phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors?”  Dr. Trasande confirms “yes”!   Ask him!

Multiple studies report the cause of developmental brain disorders caused by early exposure to soy phyto-poisons.  As example:
-Dr. CJ Westmark- This study provides preliminary data that the use of soy-based infant formula may be associated with specific autistic behaviors.  (Additional studies below).
4.  INTERNATIONAL: Reasons why soy baby formulas/foods are NOT found on grocery shelves of other countries:

-UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN)- “There is cause for concern about the use of soy-based infant formula.  There is neither substantive need for soy-based infant formula nor health benefit arising from their use.”

WHO- “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals- phytoestrogens…(are) a major concern.  …and developmental immunotoxicity studies link compounds such as DES and phytoestrogen genistein to postnatal immune disorders.”

UNICEF UK Louisa Barkla- “Soya formula contains high levels of a chemical called phytoestrogen which may have negative effects on babies….”

-New Zealand, Dr. Fitzpatrick- “I am particularly concerned about the very high doses of isoflavones that infants fed soy infant formula receive….”

-New Zealand Health Center- “Taken together the findings presented here are self-consistent and demonstrate that genistein and other isoflavones have adverse effects in a variety of species including humans.”

- Seoul, Korea, National Institute of Toxicological Research- “Risk Assessment of Soybean-Based Phytoestrogens…are considered to be potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), …which interfere with normal function of the hormonal and reproductive systems.  Dietary exposure to soybean-based phytoestrogens is of concern for Koreans…. These results suggest that dietary exposure to phytoestrogens such as daidzein and genistein poses a relatively higher health risk for humans than synthetic EDC.”

-German report- “Soy and infants…that is incompatible.  Plant proteins are no substitute for normal milk products and adverse effects are possible.”

-France- Food Safety Agency- “The consumption of phytoestrogens cannot be considered safe because they interfere with the hormonal system.  Phytoestrogens and soy foods in infants and children: Caution is needed.”


5. -Medwatch reports, CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS),post market surveillance system- includes several hundred adverse health reports from desperate parents reporting damage that soy infant formula has caused to their once healthy children. These ongoing adverse health reports remain FDA withheld from an innocent American public, and trusting parents.

6.  With massive numbers of adverse effects already confirmed throughout decades of published studies, the FDA and NIH continue...without reason... to encourage soy experiments on healthy children...of which adverse effects have for decades been repeatedly proven as caused by their intentional developmental soy-poisoning, while without fair or lawful public disclosure:

SEAD soy study, “To establish methods for future larger studies on the estrogenic effects of soy infant formula on the developing infant.”

IFED-  “…looking for evidence of the infants’ response to the estrogen exposure from soy as well as other putative endocrine disrupting chemicals.”

Beginnings Study- “Nonetheless, questions remain regarding potential long-term adverse health effects of soy protein-based formula consumption due to the isoflavone content in the soy protein isolate used as the sole protein source in these formulas.  Soy isoflavones have been shown to interact with estrogen receptors and therefore could have an effect on the reproductive system and other hormone sensitive tissues including…development, adult fertility, hormonally sensitive cancers, and bone development.  RESULT- Some reasons to be concerned about possible drawbacks of soy proteins.”

-Arkansas Children’s Nutritional Center- “(There are) some reasons to be concerned about possible drawbacks of soy proteins.”  (ACNC lead doctor of nutrition- Thomas Badger, is another who is heavily funded by soy industry.  He has recently retired).

And ongoing soy-poisonous experiments on healthy children illegally continue.  No public disclosure of clear FDA acknowledgment of already established soy phyto-poisonous causation of severe, irreversible, and potentially fatal adverse fetal, infant, and child effects!

7.  I have in my files nearly 1000 NIH Pubmed studies written by a multitude of researchers, ALL who conclude developmental exposure to soy phytoestrogenic hormone disruptors, and/or additional soy phyto-poisons are the cause of fetal, infant, and child deleterious body and brain effects to include: leukemia, pancreatic cancer, additional cancers, liver and kidney disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, multiple reproductive disorders/diseases, gender chaos, homosexuality, several brain disorders that includes epilepsy, ADHD, and autism!  As fact there is not a health risk FDA proven as NOT caused by fetal, infant, and/or child exposure to soy phyto-poisons.  ALL deliberately FDA withheld from U.S. public disclosure.

Below you will find NIH Pubmed published studies that conclude the soy-cause of horrific severe, irreversible, and potentially fatal fetal, infant and child adverse effects largely dated de axes prior and up towards 2009.


Brain disorders-


Full Body Toxic-

Gender Chaos-

Soy cause DNA Damage-

More toxic studies-

Additional studies-

There are several hundred additional NIH Pubmed studies published since 2009 to current date that also conclude soy phyto-poisons as the cause of innumerable severe and irreversible adverse developmental body and brain effects!

8.  Please do not use this one CFSAN dysfunctional weekend Soy Infant Formula meeting held in December 2009 in Alexandria, VA to review evidence of developmental “reproductive"  poisoning caused by popularly marketed soy formulas.  I was there.  I found CFSAN colluding with the powerful Soy industry...requesting industry members to be Soy formula panel “experts.”  And out of the 14 panel members chosen the vast majority are NOT soy research experts, and ARE industry funded!  These deciding panelists are also overwhelmed with industry lobbyists in the very same room!  Although the CERHR final report confirms,  "Clear evidence of adverse (soy) effects."  The panel majority votes as “minimal concern," in order to keep existing mass evidence of the soy-cause of developmental poisoning out of public disclosure!  One heavily soy industry funded panelist is India born Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, (he was also panelist at the first soy formula meeting), and he has also cleverly placed himself in charge of AAP pediatric nutrition!  When I asked my local hospital why they offer new parents free baby formulas that contain soy, (as highly baby toxic), their answer is "...because it is AAP considered as safe”...a Bhatia evil plot.  In truth, you have read the above AAP President Judith Palfrey statement, she confirms adverse health “concerns” regarding this same soy baby formula that AAP Bhatia has “no concern” about!

I email you with excessive evidence of a very worst FDA public health crime, while hoping it is you as HHS Secretary who will uphold your promised duty to protect health, and righteously disclose mass evidence of highly toxic developmental soy facts as public!

The time is past due that you at the HHS faithfully disclose a long history of mass evidence that for decades continues to prove developmental soy contamination is the cause of terrifying adverse health effects, of which multiple US Health Officials...(both FDA and NIH) acknowledge, confess, but illegally refuse to disclose to innocent American people and trusting parents.  How do you define genocide?

Please do NOT allow the FDA and NIH to continue to act with illegal intent by deliberately ignoring United States food, health, and child safety laws of which require fair public disclosure of FDA and NIH acknowledgement of the evidence, (their own testimonials and studies) that for decades overwhelmingly confirms severe, irreversible, and potentially fatal adverse effects caused by developmental exposure to fluctuating dosage levels of multiple soy phyto-poisons.

I will gratefully appreciate and look forward to your reply.  Please reply.

Very sincerely,
Gail Elbek                                                                                                                                                   Investigative researcher

(Note- the HHS has not replied, and very doubtful HHS Secretary Hargan ever will).

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